)? ?dark? ?ting: 4.7 (6 Ratings)??22 Grabs Today. 3339 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ??
?????????????????????????????????Sunset City? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (6 Ratings)??20 Grabs Today. 6031 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunny Pasture? ????? ? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Maths and Science

Glitter Text
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Solving Long Multiplication

Multiplication Grid Method

Using Finger Calculator


Sunday, 16 August 2009

Teaching and Learning of Science using ICT

ICT in My School

Teachers who are in the implementation of SPN21 or the new education system are the one who utilize ICT the most namely those who teaches Year 1 and Year 4 students. This is because they are being emphasized to use the provided facilities especially in the teaching of the subjects such as Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The Brunei government especially the Ministry of Education has spends a fortune on the implementation of the new Mathematics and Science syllabus for the Primary schools on the textbooks, resources, resource persons, workshops and etc.

ICT Facilities that can be found in my school are two ICT laboratories, computers, 20 Mac books, four units of projectors, one interactive white board, internet connections, wireless internet connections for staff as well students.

There are also integrated ICT across the curriculum where the core subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, Bahasa Melayu were given the opportunity to use ICT for allotted time for one hour for upper primary classes and 30 minutes for lower primary classes.

Teaching and Learning of Science using ICT

In the teaching of science, it is allocated four periods (2 hours) for lower primary and five periods (2 ½ hours) for upper primary per week where each period is 30 minutes.

Students should be provided with the opportunities to learn and develop their capability through the use of ICT tools. There are three possible approaches whereby ICT could be exploited for the teaching and learning of science. There are the uses of external devices such as sensors and suitable software installed into the computer, the use of internet to source information and synthesise the information according to needs and the use of interactive multimedia learning packages that are tailored for specific learning outcomes.

At the same time, teachers are expected to improve their computer-in-the-classroom skills which include the infusion of technology into the classroom/laboratory and also to upgrade their technology skills. In addition, websites and software relevant to the topics will be listed in the teaching and learning resources package that will be developed subsequently.

The curriculum development department (CDD) has provided Year 1 teachers the CD’s which contained power point presentations on the themes taught to the students. The provided CD’s is an audio-visual CD where the teacher does not have to explain what the visual is all about.

The disadvantage of the provided resource from the CDD is that the students do not understand English very well as this language is their second or sometimes third language. The teacher has to give explanation on difficult words to the students after viewing the CD.

The disadvantages of using ICT are time, as it is time-consuming for the teachers to prepare for the lesson and also the availability of the ICT laboratory since there are about 24 classes from Year 1 to Year 6 levels. Science teachers have to prepare materials for experiments in the science laboratory to teach on certain themes as well.

Most popular software use by Science teachers in their teaching:

1. Microsoft Words – preparing assessment papers/ experiments papers.
2. Microsoft excel – preparing assessment papers, computing marks.
3. Microsoft power point – in teaching suitable topics/themes.